so the outlook is dark but with icicle highlights lol. It's later than usual when I'm writing this as its the first day of half term if you don't include the weekend but with that comes problems now that our son has reached an age where we let him go out and meet friends. One thing our son doesn't lack is confidence when sticking up for himself, so far unscathed but as a result where you'd really rather he kept a low profile he'll happily have his say whether verbally or using finger gestures iykwim. So this morning he walked his friend back to her house after she popped down to see him and apparently ran into someone who has become a frequent problem for him particularly at school. It appears that nothing happened bar some verbal stuff and so he came home but was later making arrangements to go into town which involved me walking him up there to be sure he made it to meet his friends and did a couple of jobs whilst there offering for him to walk back with me if there was any 'beef' as it's now referred. The previously mentioned child of course put in an appearance along with another but our son seemed to be taking it in his stride. Eventually when it was apparent that said child was out to wind up our son and possibly threaten to 'Shank' him, beat him up in lamens terms our son hooked up with a friend and neighbour who walked him out to a point where he felt confident to walk home alone. It's a nightmare, knowing how much truth there is in all of this unless your actually there and enlighten him that despite his confidence in thinking that these people won't do anything people do and in all manner of ways. Then you say things like, you just won't be able to go out, or only if we're in town or feel like you might have to have words with a town ranger or security person in order to have them aware of possible problems that might occur etc etc. When our son was small we knew a member of staff at the library as we have spent alot of time in there over the years. I would often say if for any reason we are parted in town go there, they will have contact details and you'll be safe, i have even considered that today too and he's 12 now. It's a nightmare even when your child may not have any additional problems never mind if they do.
So when our son returns to school he will be going into what they call Re-Focus, this means he works away from the main school building, in smaller numbers with more 1/1 help, it will apparently give them more time to observe him whilst he's there. I think there are some plus points to this but it's only for two weeks and then they will pop him back into routine stuff again. To be honest I'm not sure what to make of it but i guess we just have to go along with it for the time being until something else appears to be an option. Said boy, one of is at his school so at least for this week and two others he won't be around quite so much. It's truly exhausting dealing with this stuff and in the mean time 'friend' from this morning has her issues so frequently walks out at home and arrives on our door step. Kids these days do seem to have far more 'stuff' going on than we did at their age.
That's it for now, i may update before next Monday, time permitting....
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